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Training that makes your teaching stick!
Seminars You Can Schedule for Your Group:
The Final Authority (Why Reach Children with the Gospel?)
Jesus Loves Me! (How to Share the Gospel with Children)
Guiding the Child to the Savior (Counseling for Salvation)
Inside – Outside (Ministering to Children Inside and Outside the Church
From a Child’s Perspective (Understanding Children)
Understanding Age Group Characteristics
I’m Not Too Little (Ministering to Little Kids)
Teachers that Touch Lives (A Look at the Teacher)
Confidential for Your Heart Only (Preparing Your Heart to Teach)
Life-Changing Evangelistic Lesson Preparation
Life-Changing Growth Lesson Preparation
Drawing in the Net (Inviting the Child to the Savior)
Foundations for Life (Bible Verses –More than Memorizing)
I Will Sing a New Song (Music with a Message)
Around the Corner – Around the World (Missions)
Review Can Be Exciting (Enhancing Learning)
Managing Your Classroom
Visualize or Fossilize (Using Visual Aids Effectively)
Basic Steps to Maturity
Teaching Children to Study the Bible on their Own
Teaching Children to Pray
Teaching Children to Consecrate Their Lives to Christ
Teaching Children to have Victory in Christ
Training Children to Share their Faith
Teaching Children How God Leads His Children
Teaching Children Apologetics
Training Biblically Focused Kids
Answering Kids Tough Questions with God’s Good Answers
Kaboom! Enriching Classes to be more Exciting!
Teaching Children Spiritual Disciplines
Teaching Children to Worship